Answered by: Kawei Lei
Last Updated: Jul 03, 2024     Views: 310

If you come across a journal article in the Library Catalogue that has a broken link, please try to see if there are other links available under the “View online” section of the article’s record:

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If none of the links in the record are working for you, please try accessing the article via the Journal instead. You can find journals by using Journal search:

Step 1: Click on Journal search (along the top menu of the Library Catalogue)

Step 2: Enter the Journal title or ISSN into the search box. For example: Journal of genetic counselling:

Step 3: From the search results, click on the journal title you are looking for.

Step 4: To access the journal, click on a link under the “View online” section of the journal record.

Tip: Remember to check the note underneath the link to ensure it covers the date range you need. For example, if the article is published in 2014, you need to click on the link that covers that year.

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Step 5: Once you have the journal opened, locate the article you need by searching within the journal or by filtering to the article’s volume and issue number. 

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